Sunday 13 April 2014

My birthday boy

My beautiful son, you were born 8 years ago, and whilst I really didn't feel totally prepared (who am I kidding? I still can't believe they let me take you home! I knew nothing of babies! I could kill the hardiest of pot plants, how was I prepared for a baby? Madness!), it was you who taught me how to be a mother.
Sometimes you taught me with 3am wailing. Sometimes you taught me with refusals to ever sleep again. EVER! Sometimes you taught me with projectile vomit and horror filled nappies. Simultaneously.
But mostly you taught me with sleepy cuddles, milky smiles, tiny hands clutching for mine, the nuzzles of a downy head and cooing burbling chatter.
Your love was demanding and challenging in those early days, but oh so rewarding (even though there were many a time when I wanted to place you carefully in your cot, tuck in your blankets, and then run far far away!) and with every happy smile, thoughtful embrace and whispered, "I love you", our love was further cemented and now I wonder how it was that I could have lived without you.
You also taught us how to be a family, a little clan bonded together against whatever life may throw our way. Together we could face anything! Beasts and monsters beware!
Except, it wasn't beasts or monsters that tested our bonds, it was the more mundane and suburban evils like illness, money and time.
And now, instead of my lisping, scabby kneed little boy, is a tall, lanky young man, full of humour, love and crazy ideas. Sensitive, clever and with a life of promise and success ahead.
I am so proud. (And sometimes frustrated. And cranky. But always proud.)
Happy Birthday to my little fella.

The day was filled with cake, Lego, more cake and then a whole lot more Lego.
We are swimming in Lego at the moment. We can't walk anywhere in the house without stepping on one of those little plastic brick buggers. We even went to see the Lego movie because my son is so obsessed with Lego at the moment.

And the celebrations continued with some pals, pizza, arcade games and laser tag. I am pretty sure that is little boy nirvana.
Isn't he a spunk?
And I only had to bribe him a little to have his photo with me!


  1. purple looks so good on you (this a a colour that hates me!).
    ...oh, and happy birthday to the birthday boy!

    1. I do love purple. I suppose we all have colours that hate us (me and blue!). The boy says thanks!

  2. He's such a gorgeous young man! Oh how I remember that feeling of wanting to run away from it all at times when they were babies, it's such a tiring, challenging and overwhelming period. But look, we got through it, and now we both have delightful 8 year olds (I'm indulging in some fantasy international match-making between your boy and Nina, don't mind me!)
    Looking lovely in pink and purple, Brooke, such very pretty shades on you. xxx

    1. It was such an overwhelming period. Thank God it is not always like that. Although now they answer back is equally as challenging! Lets definitely make a match with these two - I will tell Cooper that he is now betrothed! Nina may just have to wait a little until Coop can admit that girls aren't stinky and gross! XXX

  3. Happy Birthday to your beautiful boy, it does sound like he had the best birthday ever! and what gorgeous pics of you with your babies - you have described motherhood perfectly, I remember the times feeling like that too, and one time when I was prepared to go to a Hotel to get some sleep, on my own! didn't get there though, hubs must have done a couple of night feeds hehe! both outfits are fabulous on you and the purple skirt is just gorgeous! x x x

    1. He had a fantastic whole weekend of birthday festivities and reported that it was all awesome so I think he enjoyed himself. Looking back at that time with a new baby I can't believe I actually coped and got through it - so overwhelming! But look at us all now, beautiful children to show for all of that hard work. Even though I still remember those night feeds with horror! XXX

  4. Looks like your little boy had a great birthday! And which one of is actually ready for motherhood, I don't know. We amaze ourselves with what we can cope with once the time comes!! You look lovely in your outfits:)

    1. You are so right - we are never ready for motherhood! We just make it up as we go along and hope for the best!

  5. You look so gorgeous in both pink and purple and your handsome boy is going to be a little heartbreaker when he grows up.

    1. He most definitely is a handsome little devil - lets hope he uses his power for good not evil! XXX

  6. Hello Brooke,

    What a tender post this is and so beautifully captures the highs and lows of Motherhood. Your son looks to be a great credit to you and, surely, all the frustrations and challenges melt into insignificance when one receives that winning smile. Such unconditional love. How perfect!

    We know nothing of the world of 8 year old boys but are amused to see that Lego is making a comeback. Perhaps Bako building sets will be next?!

    You look very glamorous in purple. He must be proud to have such a stylish mum.

    1. Lego is massive at the moment. And my son loves creating cities and strange vehicles with it - he could honestly spend all day doing it. I am soooooo proud of my son! He is a fantastic person - and I'm sure it is not just my bias talking!

  7. Hello Brooke...How the heck have I not visited your blog before???? I can't believe what I've been missing!!! Thanks to your win on Trish Hunter Finds I found you. I ADORE your style, your frocks & accessories. You are a true beauty with inspiring style. I am so looking forward to reading through your posts & following you from now on! Leisa. Xx

    1. Hi Leisa... I have been checking out your world for ages and always love reading about your latest finds (hello the most fab bags and accessories ever!) and am so glad you have stopped by. XXX

  8. That was truly one of the most heartwarmingly wonderful - and realistic - odes to becoming a mother and raising a son that I've ever read. You really have such a powerful, easy to relate to way with words, dear Brooke.

    Happiest 8th birthday to your darling son! May each year of his life be filled with happiness, good health, and countless reasons to smile!

    ♥ Jessica

  9. You are beautiful, and so are your children. I cannot wait to see my grandson that age. He is only 5 months but I am enjoying him so much after the girls grew up
    I want your dress, lol

  10. Hi! Congrats on winning my ecourse giveaway! Please email me at and I'll send you your password for the ecourse. Happy birthday to your little man! My son's bday is this week too. He'll be 3! I can't believe how fast they grow up! :)
